•hanging on•

6 days overdue now and little bears clinging on for dear life! I’ve tried all the remedies people have suggested and it’s clear to me they are just myths as I have tried over and over again! I must have curry spice fumes seeping out of my pores now haha!
I have my stretch and sweep booked in today, feeling a little nervous but hopefully it brings me closer to labour!

Wish me luck!


• over due •

Just thought I’d update you all, yes little bear is late! I really thought he’d arrive early and take after his daddy with how organised he is but instead he’s taken after his mummy and is so laid back he’s horizontal hehe!
It’s definitely left me in a grumpy bum mood so today we have passed the time by buying christmas decorations and are still to put the tree up!
Please wish me luck and send me labour signs!



• on the pineapple •

It’s only a day away from my due date but I am so unbelievably fed up it’s in true! So after having a look at a few labour inducing remedies…

Hot curries…yep ✔️
Fresh pineapple…yep ✔️
Walks…yep ✔️
Sitting on the loo…yep ✔️
Intercourse (sorry for the bluntness)…yep ✔️
Rocking on the gym ball…yep✔️
Hot baths…yep ✔️
Labour cookies…eyy?!

Yes, I’ve tried it all apart from labour cookies?! Never heard of them! I think it’s more of an American thing. They seem to be like strong ginger bread men! I know I’m being impatient but I’m sure there’s a vast majority of pregnant ladies out there that feel my pain haha

Maybe it’s time to bake?!


• I have to share! •

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I had always said that if I had a little boy I would absolutely love this little Vivienne Westwood baby grow that says Prince Charming on it.
Well it got to my 20 week scan I found out it was a little boy and I went to get it straight away! Only I didn’t.
The royals only had to have a beautiful baby boy didn’t they so every single baby grow in the country that resembles Prince Charming sold out including the Vivienne Westwood one! Devastated (due to hormones of course) I just sulked and came to the conclusion my little bear bump will never wear this baby grow!( I sound so pathetic haha)
Cutting a long story short, my other half had rang Vivienne Westwood head office emailed them you name it explaining what I just have to you and tracking down this baby grow and…now our baby boy has two on the way! One of each size because I couldn’t resist!
Silly I know but you have to with your first baby don’t you? 🙂


• gifts for the mummy to be •

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted, been rushing around cleaning the house top to bottom (still not done) and trying to catch up and see as many people as I possibly can!
I really am lucky to have family and friends like I do and even better what amazing people for little bear bump to hopefully meet soon!
They have been showering me with gifts this time in the last little few days before he’s due! I feel so special and very lucky and have most certainly been making the most of the flowers and chocolates etc!
It makes me feel a but guilty though for the Daddy to be, he must feel some sense of being left out so I think I treat is in order for him too!




• little bear bump•

I’ve just realised, I say bear a lot in my blogs. It’s probably obvious but just in case any of you were wondering “bear, little bear, little bear bump” etc is our nickname for the bump!
Cheesy isn’t it? But we love it! …and whenever we have spoke about our future children in the past we’ve always referred to them as our little mini bears running around!

My bump at around 20 week is teeny tiny compared to now! I remember feeling huge at the time too!


• hospital bag •

Packing baby bears bag was so much easier than packing my own! At least I know with a baby you can never pack enough, but as for the mummy? Where to start! Bear bumps has been packed for ages now, but mine?!
With two weeks to go I’ll gladly accept any advice from anyone with any tips for mummy’s hospital bag? All I feel like I want to pack are crunchies and cherry coke but I don’t think the midwives will be too impressed.
As you can see I got a little distracted doing my own bag and went into a bit of a trance, doodling the bear blanket…

Not a bad resemblance I’d say!

